Emilia Romagna Zone
San Benedetto Po – Fiumalbo
km 343, tappe 16, varianti incluse
The Emilian area develops almost entirely in the province of Modena, except for the beginning in the province of Mantua, and a brief encroachment into the Reggio Emilia area, in Rubiera. The main historical reference of the roads of this section dates back to over 200 years ago, when Lorena and Estensi wanted to connect Florence, Modena and Vienna. Today a large part of that ancient road is a state road (the 12, also known as Abetone-Brennero) and a motorway (A 22), naturally not suitable for modern walkers and cyclists, so the route has been respected, guaranteeing safety, through embankment paths along the Secchia, Naviglio and Tiepido rivers that allow you to reach the foot of the Apennines.
The itineraries we propose are more than one: a first alternative is located in Rovereto (municipality of Novi), where two variants detach and rejoin in Pavullo, after crossing Modena and Maranello, one, and Carpi and Sassuolo the other.
Another fork is located on the hill, a few kilometers south of Pavullo, and allows you to go up the beautiful Scoltenna Valley on both sides. The section ends a few kilometers from the Abetone Pass, on the Tuscan-Emilian ridge; The variety of landscapes is remarkable, with rivers and lakes, mountains and forests.
Parish churches, sanctuaries and the Cathedral of Modena are devotional destinations, while several villages (some now uninhabited) revive legends and ancient atmospheres. However, this section also offers a lot from a contemporary point of view: world-famous manufacturing excellences in the fields of automotive, fashion, mechanics, ceramics, biomedical.
Finally, we cannot forget the food and wine, which offers the king of cheeses, Parmigiano-Reggiano; Balsamic Vinegar and the best-selling wine in the world, Lambrusco; And then the great delicatessen, the haute cuisine of super-starred chefs and traditional dishes such as those deriving from the processing of the chestnut that has fed the mountain people for centuries.